Possibility Vs Probability
Harvard, the wealthiest college in America, is a charitable trust. It started with a few books and just $350.
While it would fall under the category of wishful thinking. The idea of IoBM one day becoming the number one university in the world is not an irrational idea.
The Probability of this actually coming true is debatable.
A mathematician might give it a probability of, well, under 1%.
But let’s keep probabilities out of the equation (Because the probability of humans becoming extinct due to the effects of climate change is also high)
Also, the presence of numerous case studies on success depict the most successful People, Events, Institutes, to have been the ones who’ve defied predictions which were based on probability (Among these things, the case of Harvard becoming the number one university in
the world itself is an outlier case).
Before we move forward, we must understand the difference between Possibility and Probability.
While it is ‘possible’ that Donald Trump might go on to become best friends with arch rival Barrack Obama. The ‘probability’ of such a thing occurring borders zero.
We often make the mistake of not targeting for great things by labeling things which have low probability to be things which are “not possible”. A meeting between an American President and a North Korean Dictator was deemed as something “Not-Possible” until it happened in Singapore, and made us realize that even people with polar opposite views can end up engaging in a dialogue.
It is Possible that IoBM will go on to become number one in the world.
It is going to become increasingly Possible day by day if an IoBM student has more fun in the university, than they did last year.
It is going to become increasingly Possible day by day if an IoBM student receives a better learning experience in the university, than they did last year.
This magazine is intended to be a step in that direction.
It is intended to make the IoBM students’ learning a better experience.
IoBM students and the management must go on to put in greater effort than they put last year…because it’s our journey toward a goal which is achievable (IoBM has more than with what Harvard started with).
It is Possible.
Written by Ismail Rehman
YES, it can. Only ONE TOUGH Pre-Req:
first we accept it is not as good as Harvard ...
next, we accept we are in THIS world...
then we start the journey of change ...
easer said than done ...
ABSOLUTELY can be done.
At least one Indian IIM IS better than Harvard.
The content part is not so insurmountable.
National Culture (we are the best / I am holier than thou) is the deadly challenge.